Phase 3 Measurements

Hey everyone, so I had weigh-in and measurements today…….guess what? I saw great progress! I was thinking that maybe my progress was going to be minimal because of stress and lack of eating properly but somehow I managed. I can only imagine how much better it would have been if my nutrition had been on…

Phase 2: Complete!

Whats up everyone? Hope everyone is doing great! How are those resolutions going? Today I completed my second month of training and everything is going great. We ended the second month with a bang! Once again, it was leg day and it was brutal. I have gone up in weight tremendously so my workouts are…

Easy Salsa Recipe!

  Whats up guys? Just this quick post to share with you the salsa recipe I learned from my mom a long time ago. Its super easy to do and modify, and its healthy. Its what I use most of the time to add flavor to my foods since eating healthy can become kinda boring!…

1.5 Months & Going………..

Whats up y’all? How’s everybody doing? I’m personally doing pretty good, just completed 1.5 months of my training and I’m feeling great! As always. leg days are a killer. Last Friday I actually got a little nauseous, it could have been that I took the SuperHD on an empty stomach or maybe my workout was…

New Year Resolution: Get My Pro Card!

Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is true strength. – Arnold Schwarzenegger< Happy New Year, my friends! I hope everything has started off to a good start in your lives. I’m happy to say that I ended 2013 with…

I Have Decided To Compete!

After many, many years of contemplating it, I have decided I am going to start training to enter my first fitness competition sometime next year! I am extremely excited and yet somewhat nervous but I guess it’s quite normal when someone faces a challenge ahead. I have already contacted the coach who will be helping…