Phase 2: Complete!

Whats up everyone? Hope everyone is doing great! How are those resolutions going? Today I completed my second month of training and everything is going great. We ended the second month with a bang! Once again, it was leg day and it was brutal. I have gone up in weight tremendously so my workouts are no joke! I’m really having to mentally overcome the feeling of giving up when my body seems to be reaching its limit. But its those last difficult burning reps that make the differences! So guess what? Monday I get measured and weighed again, hopefully we see some positive progress.

I’m going to be honest with you, I have been dealing with some stressful situations as of late so my eating hasn’t been perfect. Not that I have been eating fast food or junk, but my caloric intake has been lower than it should be. For the past two or three weeks I haven’t been reaching the 1,300 calories I’ve been aiming for, I reach about 1,000 if I’m lucky! You know what that means? That my body is going into starvation mode, I can tell because I haven’t been losing as much weight as I know I could be. I can also tell because I have been getting tired throughout the day very easily, I seem to drag by the time noontime comes. That’s not good or normal. I really need to get back on track this week. Before I forget, we are aiming for May 31st to be my first competition. That’s in 19 weeks, I think that’s reason enough for me to get my eating up to par with my workout.

Supplements are still the same, I did run out of BCAAs and Glutamine a few days ago and now I’ve been feeling really sore. I need to restock soon. I think I took the last of my protein today also….dammit! I have a lot to do this upcoming week! Well guys, that’s about it for now. On Monday I will update you guys on my weight and measurements. For now, stay safe, keep training, and remember when you cheat on your training or eating….you’re only cheating yourself! See y’all on Monday. 

4 Comments Add yours

  1. well done you – seems like you’re making great progress!


  2. great dr keep up the good work :D…you look so cute and fit too…


  3. misspixie13 says:

    you are looking awesome lady! your abs are great! its hard to eat when your stressed out especially prep food, tilapia and asparagus just arent my type of “comfort food” glad to see you are still focused after all of these life stresses!


    1. Xandra Kantu says:

      Thank you so much! It is definitely hard, I’m just hoping things start getting better within the next few weeks that way I can get back on track. Thanks again for your comment!


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