Giving Up…..

Today for the first time I honestly contemplated giving up on this fitness journey. Sometimes life just puts you on your knees and tries to keep you there. The stresses of life are a real bitch and hopefully you guys are as lucky as I am to have those few special people around you that will help you get back on your feet.

The past month, my eating has been crap. I’ve eaten at a few fast food joints and drank a couple of beers. Nothing too drastic but still enough to notice the change. Lots of unexpected changes came about this last month, moving was one of the big ones. It’s so hard to maintain clean eating when you are packing and moving, changing addresses, etc, etc.

Anyways, I guess the fact that I wasn’t able to eat completely clean the last three weeks really got me down, I figured I might as well throw in the towel and not do this anymore. Now that I think about it, it makes no sense to give up when I have done so good these past few months. I was about to throw everything away over a hamburger, haha. Thank God I was talked some sense into me! Maybe this month did set me back a few more weeks before I’m ready for competition, but these competitions are ongoing all year long, if I don’t catch one in May I can simply move it to June, July, or heck, even August. I’ll get there when I get there as long as I don’t give up.

I guess all I can say friends, is that I hope that if you ever find yourself wanting to give up on anything, may you have the wisdom or friends/family to keep you from doing so! Remain strong and focused and remember why you started that journey or goal to begin with. Failure only comes when you give up.

I’ll keep you guys posted on my changes, I have weigh-in and measurements on Monday. I’m going to see if I can get out of it. We shall see. Take care.


8 Comments Add yours

  1. lilsumsum says:

    What did you end up deciding? Don’t give up!!


    1. Xandra Kantu says:

      I am still training! Didn’t give up, I just cant do that to myself!


      1. lilsumsum says:

        Good. Never stop girl!!💪


  2. RipTorn says:

    Hey, did you quit? Why?

    You were starting to look great, and then a small setback killed your goal?

    Bullshi#, get your ass back in the gym…hit it hard…get that bikini…and rock the competition.

    Of course, keep us all updated here add to your progress.


    1. Xandra Kantu says:

      Love your comment, hahaha! No I didn’t give up, I’m still training I just havent updated my blog, my bad!! Sorry, I’ll try to do a better job at it. Thanks though, comments like yours keep me motivated knowing that people out there are rooting for my success! Thanks!


  3. Trooper says:

    Did you quit or what? A few months of hardship and you are calling it?

    Get over yourself, get back on the saddle, and back on the gym. Nobody is going to feel sorry for you here, if they do…You need to ignore them. Figure out why you started.

    You want to fit that tiny body into that competition outfit? Then get on it. No excuses, just do it.

    Oh, and keep us all updated here 🙂


    1. Xandra Kantu says:

      I didnt quit! I’m still training, just haven’t updated you guys on the progress, my bad! I couldn’t let myself quit, i would never forgive myself! I promise I’ll get better at keeping my blog up to date! Thank you so much for your comment, it keeps me motivated!


  4. Trooper says:


    Glad to hear you didn’t go the way of many, which is either quit or plastic. You know the ones, fake teeth, fake tan, fake eyelashes, fake boobs…etc.


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